Népszerű úticélok még a régióban:
Pécs, Kaposvár, Mohács, Szekszárd, Harkány, Igal, Orfű, Paks, Siklós, Szigetvár, Barcs, Bóly, Bonyhád, Dombóvár, Komló

Hird, Vasas
 in Pécs:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Természettudományi Múzeum

Address: 7621 Pécs, Szabadság u. 2. -  map
Phone: +36 (72) 213-419


Opening hours during the season: V.01.-IX.31.: K:-Szo:10-16h

Opnening hours out of the season: XI.01.-IV.31.: H:-P:10-15h

Other information:

The Exhibition of Natural Sciences was founded 100 years ago and still growing, the collections' newest additions are the herbarium, the collection of molluscs and several groups of insects, collected in the course of domestic field trips by the members of the department. Children visiting the exhibition will be supplied with art equipment in order to immediately put their experiences into a tangible medium, while adult exhibition-goers can read natural history journals.

Természettudományi Múzeum - Pécs (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

Természettudományi Múzeum - Hungary - Pécs (Sight: Museum)

Természettudományi Múzeum - Ungarn - Pécs (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Aerial photos by Civertan Studio
© 1989 - 2025 IranyMagyarorszag.hu

Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 21:53:28