in Füzesgyarmat:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service

Termál Kemping

Total accommodation: 440 Ppl
Address: 5525 Füzesgyarmat, Csánky Dezső u. 1. -  map
Phone: +36 (66) 491-052, +36 (70) 772-7756 Fax: +36 (66) 491-148

Possibilities: TV, Souvenirs, Pets allowed, With bathroom, Laundry, Playground, Current available, Hiring sports equipment for the beach, Online Booking, garden party, Internet, Spa in the hotel's vicinity, Sauna, Hair-dresser, Massage, Restaurant, Café or drink bar, Buffet, Cooking facilities, Pub, holiday cheque, Youth Hostel, Organization of events, Own beach, Angling, Hunting, Swimming-pool, Minigolf, Beach volley-ball, Children's swimming pool, Jacuzzi, Acces for wheelchairs

Termál Kemping - Füzesgyarmat (Szállás: Kemping)

Termál Kemping - Hungary - Füzesgyarmat (Hotel: Camping)

Termál Kemping - Ungarn - Füzesgyarmat (Unterkunft: Camping, Campingplatz)

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Tuesday, 1. April 2025. - 01:50:34