in Gyömrő:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service - Business Travel


Address: 2230 Gyömrő, Üllői út 3.


Other information:

It was built in 1770 in neo-classical style. It was rebuilt between 1838 and 1847. It serves as a children's home.
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the mansion was owned by count Tibor Teleki, the keeper of the crown, who placed his famous arts collection in this residence. The most famous pieces of his collection included Transylvanian chancellor, Mihály Teleki's saddle, and a case for keeping money, which Mihály Teleki got from the French king, Louis XIV. A Rákóczi's banner and a nobleman's library of 4,000 volumes were also preserved here.

Teleki-kastély - Gyömrő (Látnivaló: Látnivaló)

Teleki-kastély - Hungary - Gyömrő (Sight: Sight)

Teleki-kastély - Ungarn - Gyömrő (Sehenswürdigkeit: Sehenswürdigkeit)

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