in Tótkomlós:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Tanya Múzeum

Address: 5940 Tótkomlós, Takarostanya
Phone: +36 (68) 460-828, +36 (68) 462-122


Opening hours during the season: K:09-12h, 14-17h, P:09-12h, 14-17h

Other information:

The Farm Museum preserving the memory of the farms of Tótkomlós. In the front garden of the farm you can see the hop (komló), the plant which can be found in the name and in the coat of arms of the town.

Tanya Múzeum - Tótkomlós (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

Tanya Múzeum - Hungary - Tótkomlós (Sight: Museum)

Tanya Múzeum - Ungarn - Tótkomlós (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Sunday, 22. December 2024. - 13:13:37