in Szentendre:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Szentendrei Teátrum

Address: 2000 Szentendre, Dunakorzó u. 11/A
P/F: +36 (26) 312-657


Opening hours during the season: VII.-VIII.20.

Other information:

The Open-air Theatre of Szentendre was opened in the summer of 1969 in the Main square of the town. There are three venues for its performances. The performances following classical drama traditions are presented in the Baroque Town hall, alternative performances are held in the extraordinary spaces of the Mill of Arts, while in the garden of the Dunapart Community Centre you can see intimate comedy performances. Every year it awaits the audience with two-three premieres, music, prose, dance performances and children's programmes on Sunday mornings from 1 July to 20 August.

Szentendrei Teátrum - Szentendre (Látnivaló: Színház, mozi, koncertterem)

Szentendrei Teátrum - Hungary - Szentendre (Sight: Theatre, Cinema, Concert Hall)

Szentendrei Teátrum - Ungarn - Szentendre (Sehenswürdigkeit: Theater, Kino, Konzertsaal)

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Aerial photos by Civertan Studio
© 1989 - 2025

Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 18:54:03