Algyő, Kiskundorozsma, Szatymaz, Szőreg, Tápé, Szentmihály, Gyálarét
 in Szeged:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Szent-Györgyi Albert Emlékszoba

Address: 6725 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 109. -  map
Phone: +36 (62) 545-016 Fax: +36 (62) 545-478


Opening hours during the season: előzetes bejelentkezés alapján: H:, Sze: 10-12h és 14-16h, P: 10-12h

Other information:

Albert Szent-Györgyi biochemist, the honorary citizen of Szeged received the medical Nobel prize in 1937. He is the only Hungarian scientist who deserved the most recognized scientific prize for his works in Hungary. He was the Dean of the Medical Faculty, the Rector of the University of Szeged and the Chairman of the Rotary Club which is named after him. The city of Szeged, the University of Szeged and the Faculty of Medicine established a memorial room.
In the building (built in 1911) visitors can found the precolumbian statue and tool collection from South America donated to the Faculty of Medicine by Egon Diczfalusy, a Hungarian professor living in Sweden. The building functions as the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine. The exhibiton was created by the cooperation of the city of Szeged, the University of Szeged and the Faculty of Medicine.

Szent-Györgyi Albert Emlékszoba - Szeged (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

Szent-Györgyi Albert Emlékszoba - Hungary - Szeged (Sight: Museum)

Szent-Györgyi Albert Emlékszoba - Ungarn - Szeged (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Sunday, 23. February 2025. - 23:53:56