in II. kerület, BUDAPEST:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Szemlő-hegyi barlang (DINPI)


Széchenyi Pihenő Card


Opening hours during the season: Egész évben, kedd kivételével minden nap. A túrák óránként indulnak! Első túra: 10:00, utolsó túra: 16:00. Kérjük, hogy nagyobb csoportok előre jelentkezzenek be telefonon!

Other information:

The highly protected cave discovered in 1930, which has a 2,200 m long surveyed passage at present, is one of the most valuable natural treasures of Budapest. The cave richly decorated by spectacular formations and mineral precipitations consists of several spacious passages. On the around 300 m long tour visitors can admire the walls richly decorated by pisolite precipitations and beautiful gypsum crystals, which are rare sights even in Europe. The clean, dust-free air in the cave is ideal for treating patients suffering from asthma and respiratory problems. In the visitor centre of the cave you can see an exhibition presenting the most important caves of the Buda hills.

Possibilities: Széchenyi Pihenő Card

Szemlő-hegyi barlang (DINPI) - BUDAPEST (Látnivaló: Nemzeti park)

Szemlő-hegyi barlang (DINPI) - Hungary - BUDAPEST (Sight: National Park)

Szemlő-hegyi barlang (DINPI) - Ungarn - BUDAPEST (Sehenswürdigkeit: Nationalpark)

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Wednesday, 5. February 2025. - 10:42:28