 in Lenti:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Sárberki Horgásztó

Total accommodation: 50 Ppl
Address: 8960 Lenti, -  map
Email: info@sarberkito.hu
Web: www.sarberkito.hu
Phone: +36 (30) 640-7621, +36 (30) 640-7728, +36 (30) 641-0502

Possibilities: TV, Pets allowed, With bathroom, Restpark, Playground, Current available, Hiring sports equipment for the beach, Online Booking, Spa in the hotel's vicinity, Non-smoking, Café or drink bar, Buffet, Cooking facilities, Pub, Wine bar, Youth Hostel, Private accomodation, Apartment, Children camp, bungalow, Zum Klassenausflug geeignet, Gipsy music, Live music, Information, Folklore programme, Youth programmes, Guide, Angling, Featherball, Parking place

Sárberki Horgásztó - Lenti (Szállás: Apartman)

Sárberki Horgásztó - Hungary - Lenti (Hotel: Apartment House)

Sárberki Horgásztó - Ungarn - Lenti (Unterkunft: Apartment Haus)

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Friday, 14. March 2025. - 05:56:04