in Balassagyarmat:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Palóc ház

Address: 2660 Balassagyarmat, Palóc liget 1.
P/F: +36 (35) 300-168


Discounts for students: 150 HUF

Discounts for pensioners: 150 HUF

Opening hours during the season: V.01.-X.31.: K:-V: 10-16h

Entrance fee: 300 HUF

Other information:

Permanent exhibitions:
- Palots house in the 18th and 19th centuries
- A small chapel in the outskirts of the village, chapel Szanda around 1880
- A crucifix along the road (reconstruction), Karancs region, 19th century.

Palóc ház - Balassagyarmat (Látnivaló: Tájház)

Palóc ház - Hungary - Balassagyarmat (Sight: House Of Regional Traditions)

Palóc ház - Ungarn - Balassagyarmat (Sehenswürdigkeit: Heimatmuseum)

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 17:56:47