in Veszprém:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Modern Képtár - Vass László Gyűjtemény

Address: 8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 3-5-7.
Phone: +36 (88) 561-310


Opening hours during the season: V.01.-X.31.: Sze:-H:10-18h

Opnening hours out of the season: XI.01.-IV.30.:H:-Szo: 10-17h

Other information:

The works of art by Hungarian masters are completed with the sculptures, paintings, drawings and multiplied graphics by the greatest representatives of European abstract art under the title "Constructive concepts". In the exhibition halls of the eclectic building complex you can see temporary exhibitions.

Modern Képtár - Vass László Gyűjtemény - Veszprém (Látnivaló: Galéria)

Modern Képtár - Vass László Gyűjtemény - Hungary - Veszprém (Sight: Gallery)

Modern Képtár - Vass László Gyűjtemény - Ungarn - Veszprém (Sehenswürdigkeit: Galerie)

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Aerial photos by Civertan Studio
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Friday, 28. March 2025. - 20:59:01