Total accommodation: 16 Ppl
Address: 8172 Balatonkenese (Balatonakarattya), Árpád u. 191.
Email: miradorbalaton@gmail.com
Web: www.miradorbalaton.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4feBBhC9ARIsABp_nbXp2yJVDRcs6d6ikgJ1qK2jIk3uOR5Y47Y_K5A5x9ODeQN-P2zejHIaAi2DEALw_wcB
Web: www.iranymagyarorszag.hu/gabriella_panzio/I313142/
Phone: +36 (30) 186-6442
Number of rooms | Type of rooms | Price |
2 | Apartments |
Other information:
Possibilities: TV, With bathroom, WIFI, Apartment, Jacuzzi
Mirador Balaton design Villa - Balatonkenese (Szállás: Fizetővendéglátás) |
Mirador Balaton design Villa - Hungary - Balatonkenese (Hotel: Private Accomodation) |
Mirador Balaton design Villa - Ungarn - Balatonkenese (Unterkunft: Zimmer frei) |
Sunday, 22. December 2024. - 18:51:10 |