Address: 9025 Győr, Kossuth Lajos u. 5.
Phone: +36 (20) 425-2660

Other information:

The synagogue was built by the Neolog Israelite community in eclectic style between 1868 and 1870. The restored building is a venue for permanent museum exhibitions and cultural programmes. Here you can see János Vasilescu's excellent Hungarian fine arts collection from the period after World War II, as well as paintings and statues by Lili Országh and her contemporaries, the important figures of the Hungarian avantgard and by contemporary artists.
Discounts for visitors: discounts for families, combined tickets, discount tickets. On Sundays entrance is free for students accompanied by parents.

Opening hours during the season: Sze:-V: 10-18h

Térkép - ZSinagóga - 9025 Győr, Kossuth Lajos u. 5.

Map - ZSinagóga - 9025 Győr, Kossuth Lajos u. 5.

Karte - ZSinagóga - 9025 Győr, Kossuth Lajos u. 5.

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Sunday, 9. March 2025. - 16:23:07