Address: 8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 33.
Phone: +36 (88) 426-088

Other information:

The single-naved church and the cloister (St. Francis Priests' home today), which were built in 1730 in the style of the age of Louis XVI, were rebuilt after the fire, the latter one was extended with one storey and was connected to the church. Above the carved panels of the dining room you can see Italian paintings which have been decorating the walls for more than two hundred years.

Térkép - Ferences Templom és Kolostor - 8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 33.

Map - Ferences Templom és Kolostor - 8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 33.

Karte - Ferences Templom és Kolostor - 8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 33.

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 23:15:53