Address: 8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 29.
Phone: +36 (88) 560-507, +36 (88) 560-508
Other information:
The Dubniczay house opposite the Episcopal Palace is the border building of Vár street and Szentháromság square. This building houses the collection of Károly László, an art collector living in Basel. The Tequilarium of the Hungarian Building Industry Museum has been deservedly placed here.
Opening hours during the season: V.1.-X.31.: K:-V: 10-18h | |
Opnening hours out of the season: XI.1.-IV.30: K:-V: 10-17h |
Map - Dubniczay Palota - László Károly Modern Képzőművészeti Gyűjteménye - 8200 Veszprém, Vár u. 29. |
Tuesday, 21. January 2025. - 13:18:08 |