Address: 2500 Esztergom, Babits Mihály utca 11.
Phone: +36 (33) 500-175

Other information:

Guidance: 2500 HUF in Hungarian.
Permanent exhibition: Mihály Babits and Esztergom.
The Mihály Babits Memorial House was the holiday home of the prominent poet of the 20th century from 1924 to his death in 1941. An interesting relic is the "wall of autographs" signed by the outstanding writers, poets and artists of the period. You can enjoy a nice view of Esztergom from the terrace of this memorial place of literature.

Discounts for students: 400 HUF

Discounts for pensioners: 400 HUF

Opening hours during the season: április 1-jétől október 31-ig szerdától vasárnapig 10:00-18:00

Entrance fee: 800 HUF

Térkép - MNM Babits Mihály Emlékház - 2500 Esztergom, Babits Mihály utca 11.

Map - MNM Babits Mihály Emlékház - 2500 Esztergom, Babits Mihály utca 11.

Karte - MNM Babits Mihály Emlékház - 2500 Esztergom, Babits Mihály utca 11.

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Friday, 24. January 2025. - 12:12:46