Location: central

Discounts for children: 100 %10 Years and Under

Specialities of the restaurant of the accommodation: Konyha jellege: magyar, nemzetközi

Open: H-P: 8h - 21h Szo: 10:00 - 21:00 Va: 10:00 - 21:00

Opening hours during the season: I.01-XII.31.: 0-24h

Number of closed places: 90 Ppl

Open places: 40 Ppl

Places in the garden: 50 Ppl

Car park: 10 pieces

Bus parking lot: 1 pieces

Distance from the water shore: 2 km (Gyulai Várfürdő)

Conference hall: 1 pieces

Largest conference hall: 30 Ppl

Number of rooms

Type of rooms



Double room


Extra bed



Térkép - Napsugár Panzió Étterem - 5700 Gyula, Déli út 2.

Map - Napsugár Panzió Étterem - 5700 Gyula, Déli út 2.

Karte - Napsugár Panzió Étterem - 5700 Gyula, Déli út 2.

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Tuesday, 1. April 2025. - 01:47:13