Address: 7621 Pécs, Káptalan u. 3.
Phone: +36 (30) 218-5659

Other information:

The Mining Museum of Mecsek was founded in 1977 to present the black coal and uranium ore mining of the Mecsek hills. The institution runs two exhibitions of coal mining in Pécs (Underground Exhibition of Mining, Pécs, Káptalan u. 3. and the Exhibition and Library of the History of Mining, Pécs, József Attila u. 5.) and the Exhibition of Uranium Ore Mining in Kővágószőlős (Kővágószőlős, Rákóczi u. 54.). The institutions are branches of the Central Mining Museum (Sopron, Templom u. 2.). The collections of the three exhibitions are closely related, and visiting all of them provide an overview of mining in the Mecsek hills. By visiting the mine shafts (~400 m) of the "mine", the Underground Exhibition of Mining in the centre of Pécs, in the heart of town and by looking at the collection of minerals and stones and the mining machines and faces, you can get a real experience of "walking in a mine". The Exhibition of the History of Mining presents the 250 years of coal mining and the 50 years of uranium ore mining. In Kővágószőlős, in the former school building of the village centre you can find the Exhibition of Uranium Ore Mining, which provides an overview of uranium ore mining in Hungary.
Exhibition and Library of the History of Mining
Entrance: free
Underground Exhibition of Mining
Entrance fees: adults: 500 HUF, children (up to 18 years), students, pensioners, with a CA card: 300 HUF
Exhibition of Uranium ore Mining
Entrance: free

Discounts for students: 300 HUF

Discounts for pensioners: 300 HUF

Opening hours during the season: K:-V:10-18hBányászattörténeti Kiállítás és KönyvtárNyitva tartás: K:-V:10-17h, hétvégén előzetes egyeztetés szerintFöldalatti Bányászati KiállításNyitva tartás: IV.01.-X.31.:K:-V:10-18hXI.01-III.31.:K:-V: 10-16hUránércbányászati KiállításNyitva tartás:K:-V:10-18h

Entrance fee: 500 HUF

Térkép - Mecseki Bányászati Kiállítások - 7621 Pécs, Káptalan u. 3.

Map - Mecseki Bányászati Kiállítások - 7621 Pécs, Káptalan u. 3.

Karte - Mecseki Bányászati Kiállítások - 7621 Pécs, Káptalan u. 3.

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Friday, 7. March 2025. - 04:03:23