Address: 6400 Kiskunhalas, Kossuth u. 37/A
Phone: +36 (77) 421-797, +36 (30) 935-8499

Other information:

Mária Markovits and her followers have made the world famous lace of Halas "The Queen of Laces " in the past 100 years. In 1937 the lace, which has the trade-mark of 3 fish and which is sewn with thread thin as hair and ornamented with thousands and thousands of stitch patterns, has won a grand prize preceding the famous bone-lace of Brussels and it has become part of the universal culture. The Lace-House, which is maintained by the Foundation of "The Lace of Halas", houses a permanent exhibition displaying the past and present lace wonders. The masterpieces can be purchased and ordered. The Lace-House is suitable for organization of conferences, meetings, family events and exhibitions.

Discounts for children: 500 HUF

Discounts for pensioners: 500 HUF

Opening hours during the season: Május 01-től szeptember 30-ig: Hétfő-vasárnap: 9-12 és 13-17 óráig.

Opnening hours out of the season: Október 1-től április 30-ig: Hétfő-szombat: 9-12 és 13-16 óráig. Ebben az időszakban vasárnaponként előzetes bejelentkezés alapján várjuk vendégeinket!

Entrance fee: 750 HUF

Térkép - Csipkeház és Csipkemúzeum - 6400 Kiskunhalas, Kossuth u. 37/A

Map - Csipkeház és Csipkemúzeum - 6400 Kiskunhalas, Kossuth u. 37/A

Karte - Csipkeház és Csipkemúzeum - 6400 Kiskunhalas, Kossuth u. 37/A

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Sunday, 23. February 2025. - 06:45:05