Address: 9022 Győr, Nefelejcs köz 3.
P/F: +36 (96) 318-141

Other information:

A famous building called Magyar Ispita in the city centre of Győr houses a permanent exhibition based on the art collection of history professor Dr. Péter Váczy. He collected 15th-18th century furniture, chinaware, glassware, rugs, paintings and devotional articles.
It is a venue for exhibitions of contemporary fine arts and applied arts.
Discount for visitors: family tickets, combined tickets, discount tickets. Entrance is free for persons under 26 years, children under 18 and 2 adults accompanying them on the last Sunday of every month.

Opening hours during the season: K:-V: 10-18h

Térkép - Magyar Ispita - 9022 Győr, Nefelejcs köz 3.

Map - Magyar Ispita - 9022 Győr, Nefelejcs köz 3.

Karte - Magyar Ispita - 9022 Győr, Nefelejcs köz 3.

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Friday, 14. March 2025. - 13:02:59