Address: 8700 Marcali, Széchenyi u. 3.
Phone: +36 (85) 310-085, +36 (85) 510-448 Fax: +36 (85) 313-855

Other information:

Cultural services, organization of exhibitions of fine arts and applied arts (Bernáth Aurél Gallery), theatre-going, classical and pop music concerts, folklore performances, festivals, organization of children and youth programmes. The cultural centre houses conferences, events of civil organizations. The house with Internet connection provides a wide range of office services including eMagyarország service. Art groups of the town: Baglas Folk Dance Group, Calypso choir, Balaton MK brass band, Marcato Percussion group.

Opening hours during the season: I.01.-XII.31.: 08-20h

Térkép - Városi Kulturális Központ és Bernáth Aurél Galéria - 8700 Marcali, Széchenyi u. 3.

Map - Városi Kulturális Központ és Bernáth Aurél Galéria - 8700 Marcali, Széchenyi u. 3.

Karte - Városi Kulturális Központ és Bernáth Aurél Galéria - 8700 Marcali, Széchenyi u. 3.

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Saturday, 21. December 2024. - 15:10:42