Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Szent Borbála tér 1.
P/F: +36 (34) 688-190, +36 (34) 688-192

Other information:

The exhibition of local history was opened on the 50th anniversary of the designation of Tatabánya as a town. On the two floors of the exhibition the past and the traditions of the territory are presented from the early times to the period of becoming a town.
The other permanent exhibition of the Museum of Tatabánya presents the life and arts of the Amazonian Indians.
Besides permanent exhibitions, several temporary exhibitions are held here every year.

Discounts for children: 100 %6 Years and Under

Discounts for groups: 33 %

Discounts for students: 50 %

Discounts for pensioners: 50 %

Opening hours during the season: K-SZ 10-18 óráig

Opnening hours out of the season: K-SZ 10-18 óráig

Entrance fee: 1200 HUF

Térkép - Tatabányai Múzeum - 2800 Tatabánya, Szent Borbála tér 1.

Map - Tatabányai Múzeum - 2800 Tatabánya, Szent Borbála tér 1.

Karte - Tatabányai Múzeum - 2800 Tatabánya, Szent Borbála tér 1.

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Sunday, 30. March 2025. - 20:36:34