Address: 1065 BUDAPEST (VI. kerület), Jókai u. 30.
Phone: +36 (1) 426-5866

Other information:

Welcome to the Jungle!
We assure that you will have an unforgettable dining experience at our upscale restaurant. Exotic and tasty dishes are ready to soothe your hunger, while you can enjoy the interesting environment of our four unique rooms: Jungle is decorated with plants and fountains, Sahara is decorated with wooden statues, and live animals in the terrarium, the Ocean room is decorated with fish tanks and shell-covered walls, and Pirate room looks like a ship. Taste the crokodile fillet and kangaroo steak! The bar area we have huge variety of beers and cocktails. This is the place for karaoke people: from Sunday to Tuesday evenings we have karaoke party at the Crazy Cafe.

Class: 2nd class

Location: central

Cuisine: exotic

Opening hours during the season: VASÁRNAPTÓL - CSÜTÖRTÖKIG 12-TŐL - 22-ig PÉNTEKTŐL - SZOMBATIG 12-TŐL - 22-ig

Accepted credit card: Mastercard, EuroCard, VISA, Cirrus Maestro

Banqueting-hall: 4 pieces

Smallest banqueting-hall: 30 Ppl

Largest banqueting-hall: 40 Ppl

Car park: OK

Térkép - Dzsungel Étterem - 1065 BUDAPEST, Jókai u. 30.

Map - Dzsungel Étterem - 1065 BUDAPEST, Jókai u. 30.

Karte - Dzsungel Étterem - 1065 BUDAPEST, Jókai u. 30.

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Tuesday, 4. March 2025. - 08:26:20