Address: 1102 BUDAPEST (X. kerület), Szent László tér 25.
Phone: +36 (1) 260-2462

Other information:

The construction of the church was completed by June 1900 according to the designs of Ödön Lechner, and it was consecrated at that time, too.
It is a three-aisled church of basilican system. Renaissance, Baroque, Persian and Hungarian folk elements together with Gothic signs of the Romanesque era are also included in the architecture of the church. The monument decorated with Zsolnay elements both inside and outside is part of the European Heritage. The coloured lead-glass windows made by Miksa Róth have been completely renovated.

Térkép - Kőbányai Szent László Templom - 1102 BUDAPEST, Szent László tér 25.

Map - Kőbányai Szent László Templom - 1102 BUDAPEST, Szent László tér 25.

Karte - Kőbányai Szent László Templom - 1102 BUDAPEST, Szent László tér 25.

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Sunday, 2. February 2025. - 06:50:40