Address: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 21.
P/F: +36 (1) 342-5750

Other information:

The relics of heavy-current electronics can be seen on the permanent exhibitions of the museum. Generation and distribution of current, illuminating engin eering, household and medical appliances. Electrification of the railway. - The Ganz factory in the golden age of the Hungarian electronics. Guidance in Hungarian and foreign languages. Temporary exhibitions. Irregular physics class with demonstration and experiments for groups of primary and secon dary school students on preliminary registration.

Opening hours during the season: K:-Szo:11-17h

Térkép - Magyar Elektrotechnikai Múzeum - 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 21.

Map - Magyar Elektrotechnikai Múzeum - 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 21.

Karte - Magyar Elektrotechnikai Múzeum - 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 21.

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 20:15:28