Address: 1077 Budapest, Dohány u. 2.
Phone: +36 (1) 344-5409 Fax: +36 (1) 462-0478

Other information:

The synagogue built in 1854-59 and the first Jewish museum of Hungary await visitors in its renewed building with programmes and exhibitions.
As a religious, cultural and tourism centre, the synagogue, which used to serve as the religious centre of the Jewish district outside Pest, still plays an important role in the busy life of Budapest.
The visitors can take part in a guided tour, which covers the history of the synagogue, leads through the cemetery and the memorial garden, which commemorates Raoul Wallenberg and the victims of the holocaust. The Jewish Museum, which is situated in Tivadar Herzl's house of birth, presents the historical past and presents the present-day life and the traditions of Jews.
All visitors are welcome.
Guidance is provided in English, Hebrew, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Fees: 1,990 HUF/person, for students:
1,600 HUF/person.

Discounts for groups: more than 10 person(s)

Opnening hours out of the season: III.01.-X.31.: V:-Cs: 10-18h, P: 10-16hXI.01.-II.28.: V:-Cs: 10-16h, P: 10-14h

Entrance fee: 2000 HUF

Térkép - Dohány Utcai Zsinagóga - Zsidó Múzeum - 1077 Budapest, Dohány u. 2.

Map - Dohány Utcai Zsinagóga - Zsidó Múzeum - 1077 Budapest, Dohány u. 2.

Karte - Dohány Utcai Zsinagóga - Zsidó Múzeum - 1077 Budapest, Dohány u. 2.

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Wednesday, 12. March 2025. - 16:25:57