Address: 3300 Eger, Széchenyi u. 14.
Phone: +36 (36) 312-744

Other information:

The pharmacy was founded by the Jesuites in 1713. Its furniture was made in the monastery of Eger in 1745-46.

Opening hours during the season: V.01.-IX.30.:K:-V:09-17h

Entrance fee: 50 HUF

Térkép - Telekessy Patikamúzeum - 3300 Eger, Széchenyi u. 14.

Map - Telekessy Patikamúzeum - 3300 Eger, Széchenyi u. 14.

Karte - Telekessy Patikamúzeum - 3300 Eger, Széchenyi u. 14.

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Saturday, 15. March 2025. - 00:31:55