Address: 2000 Szentendre, Hunyadi J. u. 1.
Phone: +36 (26) 310-244 Fax: +36 (26) 310-790

Other information:

The museum - being situated in a house with a veranda offering a nice view - houses two exhibitions: upstairs you can find a collection of Lajos Vajda's works, downstairs there is a selection of works of art by artists from Szentendre belonging to the European School group.

Opening hours during the season: K:-V:09-17h

Opnening hours out of the season: Sze:-V:

Entrance fee: 400 HUF

Térkép - Vajda Lajos Emlékmúzeum - 2000 Szentendre, Hunyadi J. u. 1.

Map - Vajda Lajos Emlékmúzeum - 2000 Szentendre, Hunyadi J. u. 1.

Karte - Vajda Lajos Emlékmúzeum - 2000 Szentendre, Hunyadi J. u. 1.

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 20:51:37