Address: 2151 Fót, Vörösmarty u. 2.
P/F: +36 (27) 358-083

Other information:

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF FÓT was built by count István Károlyi according to the designs of Miklós Ybl between 1845 and 1855. The church is decorated with the oil paintings and fresco seccoes of Károly Blaas while the walls were painted by a decoration painter, Gibler. The organ of the church with Baroque sounding was made by Moser Ludovicus, the famous master of Salzburg. August 20th feast is the celebration day of King Stephen, patron saint of the monument church; mass at 10:00 a.m. followed by a procession where the inhabitants of Fót appear in folk dresses. Gala concert on August 18th (7:00 p.m.) each year. Guidance for groups and individuals. Organization of tourism, religious tourism (Tel.: (27) 538-485, (27) 538 486). In summer open air concerts in the parish courtyard.

Opening hours during the season: I.01.-XII.31.:08-12h; 14-18h

Entrance fee: 250 HUF

Térkép - Fót Római Katolikus templom - 2151 Fót, Vörösmarty u. 2.

Map - Fót Római Katolikus templom - 2151 Fót, Vörösmarty u. 2.

Karte - Fót Római Katolikus templom - 2151 Fót, Vörösmarty u. 2.

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Sunday, 23. February 2025. - 11:47:58