Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Máriavölgy 54.
P/F: +36 (22) 305-570

Other information:

The castle was built by Jenő Bory (1879-1959), sculptor and architect. The works of Jenő Bory, his wife, Ilona Komócsin (1885-1974) painter, and contemporary artists can be seen in the castle, in the garden and in the studio-gallery. This unique artistic and architectural sight can be visited every day from March to October from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. In November to 4.00 p.m.

Opening hours during the season: III-X.:H:-V: 09-17h, XI.:H:-V:09-16h

Térkép - Bory-vár Múzeum - 8000 Székesfehérvár, Máriavölgy 54.

Map - Bory-vár Múzeum - 8000 Székesfehérvár, Máriavölgy 54.

Karte - Bory-vár Múzeum - 8000 Székesfehérvár, Máriavölgy 54.

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Tuesday, 1. April 2025. - 01:47:18