Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Fő utca 5.
Phone: +36 (22) 315-583 Fax: +36 (22) 311-734

Other information:

The baroque building housed the town pharmacy from 1774 to 1971. The furniture made by the wood carvers of the former Jesuit order is from 1758. The Pharmacy Museum was opened in 1973. Apart from the permanent exhibition visitors can see a number of temporary exhibitions in a wide variety of topics such as archaeology, ethnography and fine arts, in the series called "The subject of the month".

Discounts for students: 250 HUF

Discounts for pensioners: 250 HUF

Opening hours during the season: K:-V:10-18h

Entrance fee: 500 HUF

Térkép - Fekete Sas Patikamúzeum - 8000 Székesfehérvár, Fő utca 5.

Map - Fekete Sas Patikamúzeum - 8000 Székesfehérvár, Fő utca 5.

Karte - Fekete Sas Patikamúzeum - 8000 Székesfehérvár, Fő utca 5.

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Tuesday, 1. April 2025. - 01:47:48