Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Várdomb utca 1.
Phone: +36 (20) 382-1769

Other information:

The Romanesque remains of the Benedictine abbey of Kaposvár founded in 1061 is the oldest protected monument of Kaposvár.
In the lapidarum established in the former cloisters you can see nice Romanesque and Gothic ribs.
Since 20 August 2001, - after the reconstruction - the complex of ruins has been serving as a venue for open-air theatre performances, music evenings and arts camps. In its auxiliary building complex you can see a gallery of portraits of Hungarian kings by painter Győző Somogyi.

Térkép - Szentjakabi Bencés Apátság Romkert - 7400 Kaposvár, Várdomb utca 1.

Map - Szentjakabi Bencés Apátság Romkert - 7400 Kaposvár, Várdomb utca 1.

Karte - Szentjakabi Bencés Apátság Romkert - 7400 Kaposvár, Várdomb utca 1.

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Thursday, 13. March 2025. - 20:27:18