Address: 8420 Zirc, Damjanich u. 19.
Phone: +36 (88) 593-675, +36 (88) 414-569

Other information:

Among the plant collections in Hungary this one is outstandigly valuable. The history of its creation is linked to the Cistercian monks, who settled in Zirc in 1182. Today it is functionally separated from the building of the former order. The propagation of the stock, marvellous in its size, is made possible by the favourable precipitation conditions and the mesoclimate. Publications, souvenirs and ornamental shrubs are available at both entrances.

Discounts for pensioners: 600 HUF

Opening hours during the season: hétfő: szünnap kedd - vasárnap március 15 - április 30. 9 – 17 óra május 1 - augusztus 31. 9 – 19 óra szeptember 1 - november 15. 9 – 17 óra

Opnening hours out of the season: november 16 - március 14. zárva

Entrance fee: 800 HUF

Térkép - Zirci Ciszterci Arborétum - 8420 Zirc, Damjanich u. 19.

Map - Zirci Ciszterci Arborétum - 8420 Zirc, Damjanich u. 19.

Karte - Zirci Ciszterci Arborétum - 8420 Zirc, Damjanich u. 19.

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 16:09:35