Inota, Inotai Erőmű
 in Várpalota:   Sight - Travel Service - Business Travel

Magyar Vegyészeti Múzeum

Address: 8100 Várpalota, Thury-vár -  map
Email: info@vegyeszetimuzeum.hu
Email: info@mmkm.hu
Web: www.mmkm.hu/index.php/hu/magyarvegyeszetimuzeum
Phone: +36 (88) 575-670 Fax: +36 (88) 575-671


Other information:

- Portrait gallery of famous chemists; History of universities; Chemistry from the ancient times until the Reform period; The history of the Hungarian chemical industry between the two World Wars; Chemical laboratory in the 1940s and 50s; Computer sciences serving chemical industry; The history of chemistry from 1750 to 1950; Alchemist summer camp for the age 10-18. We receive visitors on holidays, too. Our prices: chemistry lesson in the museum: 400 Ft. Guided tours in English and German: Tues. Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 2,000 Ft, Sat., Sun.: 3,000 Ft.

Magyar Vegyészeti Múzeum - Várpalota (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

Magyar Vegyészeti Múzeum - Hungary - Várpalota (Sight: Museum)

Magyar Vegyészeti Múzeum - Ungarn - Várpalota (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Wednesday, 26. March 2025. - 00:35:41