in Tata:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Kuny Domokos Megyei Múzeum - Tatai Vármúzeum


Opening hours during the season: Hétfő: SZÜNNAP Kedd - Vasárnap: 09.00 - 17.00

Other information:

The Castle - It had been built since the end of 1300s, today it is one of the jewels of Tata. Its blooming can be dated to the reign of Zsigmond Luxemburg and Mátyás Hunyadi as the summer resort of the king. The walls of the castle reflect the marks of romantic style which is due to the Esterházy family used to live here. The building at the shore of Old Lake is a beautiful sight still today.

The Domokos Kuny Museum has been open to the public since 1954 in the castle. Apart from presenting the collection of the Piarist Museum (of Tataóváros) founded in 1912, it also preserves important archaeological findings mainly from the Bronze age and the Roman times, national and international collections of natural history, local history, fine and applied arts, ethnography including the the relics of the glazed earthenware manufacture of Tata. In the 13 halls of the Castle you can see a permanent exhibition on the history of Tata and its region from the Roman times to the 19th century, in two halls temporary exhibitons are held.

Kuny Domokos Megyei Múzeum - Tatai Vármúzeum - Tata (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

Kuny Domokos Megyei Múzeum - Tatai Vármúzeum - Hungary - Tata (Sight: Museum)

Kuny Domokos Megyei Múzeum - Tatai Vármúzeum - Ungarn - Tata (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Wednesday, 12. March 2025. - 15:18:06