in Somlóvásárhely:   Sight - Travel Service - Business Travel

Kitaibel Tanösvény
(Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság)

Address: 8481 Somlóvásárhely,
Phone: +36 (87) 555-291, +36 (87) 555-290 Fax: +36 (87) 555-261


Opening hours during the season: I.01.-XII.31.

Other information:

You can get to know the natural values of Somló hill, the solitary giant emerging as an island from the flat area of the Marcal basin, along with special basalt formations, rare plant and animal species. The one-time flourishing Bronz Age settlement on the hilltop and the 1,000-year-old viticulture - giving famous wines - at the foot of the hill are parts of the cultural heritage of Hungary. The 3 km long, recurving study trail with 9 stations named after botanist Pál Kitaibel (1757-1817) presents the sights of the beautiful Somló Landscape Protection Area founded in 1993.
It can be reached from the road No. 8, via its subsidiary road between Somlóvásárhely and Somló. The trail starts from Margaret chapel. A greeting board with a map welcomes visitors coming from the direction of Doba on the tourist route marked with a yellow triangle. A Hungarian language booklet about the study trail is available at the demonstration sites of and in the headquarters of the national park directorate. The information boards are written in Hungarian.

Kitaibel Tanösvény (Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság) - Somlóvásárhely (Látnivaló: Nemzeti park)

Kitaibel Tanösvény (Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság) - Hungary - Somlóvásárhely (Sight: National Park)

Kitaibel Tanösvény (Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság) - Ungarn - Somlóvásárhely (Sehenswürdigkeit: Nationalpark)

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 23:18:50