in X. kerület, BUDAPEST:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Kincsem Park

Address: 1101 BUDAPEST (X. kerület), Albertirsai út 2-4.
Phone: +36 (1) 433-0520 Fax: +36 (1) 433-0521


Car park: OK

Bus parking lot: OK

Other information:

Trotting course and gallop-course "Kincsem Park": 1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 2-4.;
Alagi training course: 2120 Dunakeszi, Nádori u. 4.
Outstanding horse racing events:
Trotting: - the beginning of March - Spring Handicap
Gallop: - the end of May-Millenium Derby
Gallop: - the beginning of July - Hungarian Derby
Trotting: - the beginning of August - Hungarian Trotting Derby
Gallop-trotting: - the beginning of September - International Horse Racing Weekend
Trotting: - 31 December - Trotting on New Year's Eve

Kincsem Park - BUDAPEST (Szolgáltatás: Lovaglás)

Kincsem Park - Hungary - BUDAPEST (Travel Service: Riding)

Kincsem Park - Ungarn - BUDAPEST (Reiseleistung: Reiten)

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Tuesday, 1. April 2025. - 01:49:44