in Kelemér:   Hotel - Sight

Keleméri Mohos-tavak (ANPI)

Address: 3728 Kelemér, Külterület
Phone: +36 (48) 506-000 Fax: +36 (48) 506-001


Other information:

At the border of Kelemér there are two small fens, which remained here from the Ice age, where you can observe the wildlife of bogs. On the peat bog consisting of the former floating islands relic plants (ones that remained here from prehistoric times in isolated territories) grow such as the round leaf sundew, the marsh shield fern and the sheathed cottonsedge. It is dangerous and forbidden to enter the bog.

Keleméri Mohos-tavak (ANPI) - Kelemér (Látnivaló: Nemzeti park)

Keleméri Mohos-tavak (ANPI) - Hungary - Kelemér (Sight: National Park)

Keleméri Mohos-tavak (ANPI) - Ungarn - Kelemér (Sehenswürdigkeit: Nationalpark)

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 21:44:46