in Kalocsa:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Kalocsai Érseki Kastély


Opening hours during the season: Április 1-től október 31ig, hétfő-vasárnap 8.30-12.00-ig és 15.00-18.00-ig.

Opnening hours out of the season: November 1-től 30-ig, hétfő-vasárnap 8.30-12.00-ig.

Other information:

It has mediaeval parts. It was built in 1728 in Baroque style. It was rebuilt between 1775 and 1780 and in 1799. It houses the Archbishop's residence, a museum and a monument library.
The bishopric of Kalocsa was one of the ten episcopates founded by Saint Stephen, and it was the second to receive the rank of archbishopric in the country. The first archbishop of the town was Asztrik, who gave considerable assistance during his long career with external affairs (diplomacy) and internal affairs (conversion) in the young Hungarian kingdom. The most important event of his life was - according to the legend - that he brought the crown from Pope Silvester II. to King St. Stephen, when he was the abbot of Pécsvárad.

Kalocsai Érseki Kastély - Kalocsa (Látnivaló: Látnivaló)

Kalocsai Érseki Kastély - Hungary - Kalocsa (Sight: Sight)

Kalocsai Érseki Kastély - Ungarn - Kalocsa (Sehenswürdigkeit: Sehenswürdigkeit)

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Saturday, 22. February 2025. - 23:09:06