Large village with 2,896 inhabitants to the south of Pécs.

It is especially famous for its local red wine that is why it obtained the title of the Town of Wine-yards and Wine. Viniculture can be traced back to some thousand years in this place. The southern slopes are characterized by a Mediterranean climate. The enterprises in the vicinity are united in the Borút Egyesület (Wine Route Association), in order to secure regular high standards in wine supply and wine shops. In addition to wines accommodation is also available in pensions and private boarding houses.
In the Wine Museum installed in the one-time Tithe-Cellar old equipment and traditions of wine-growing are exhibited.

The quarry in hill Templom-hegy is a nature conservation area. The famous cellar known as "Wine Tunnel", ends in a stalactite cave.
At the foot of hill Szársomlyó, an interesting park of statues can be visited.
The Roman Catholic church was built in the 15th century.

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Wednesday, 26. March 2025. - 13:46:45