in Vácrátót:   Sight

The village of 1,559 inhabitants is situated only 10 km from Vác, on the left bank of the Danube bend. The village was founded by Rátót and Oliver knights in the 12th century, who settled down here during King Coloman’s reign. The botanical garden of the Hungarian Academy of Science (42 acres), which is still the most significant and the richest botanical collection of the country, was opened by count Sándor Vigyázó with the aim of educating the public following the Széchenyis’ traditions. Vilmos Jámbor, who was the most famous garden designer of the period, took part in not only the designing but also in the establishment of the garden together with chief gardener Henrik Band (1872-1913). The neo-Classical mansion in the garden houses a council hall, laboratories and a library. The baroque Roman catholic church is from 1745. Due to its closeness to the capital city the botanical garden of Vácrátót is frequently visited especially at spring and early summer weekends to enjoy the blooming plants. The garden is a popular venue for concerts in summer evenings.

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Hungary - Vácrátót

Ungarn - Vácrátót

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