in Tiszaalpár:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service

The village has rich historical past and and an individual character. It is situated at the border of the valley of the river Tisza and the region called Homokhátság. Archaelogical findings show that the village was populated as early as the Bronze age. In its territory Sarmatian and Avar graves of the migration period were also found. According to the legendary history of Gesta Hungarorum by Anonymus, the conquering Hungarians defeated the Bulgarian troops led by Prince Zalán here. The more than 900 hundred year-old settlement was first mentioned under the name Olper in a book from the Abbey of Garamszentbenedek in 1075. In the early Middle Ages it belonged to the church, later the region, which was depopulated during the Turkish occupation, was one of the rented plains of Kecskemét in the 17th century. Earning the living for the inhabitants was ensured by the river Tisza and agriculture. The present village was formed when Tiszaújfalu and Alpár were united in 1975. Sights include: the wonderful panorama of the meadow of Alpár, the Church and Castle hill, religious monuments, the exhibition of local history, the musem of basket-making, a well-kept village centre and the village museum of the age of Árpád. These can be visited by taking a tour in the village.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Tiszaalpár
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Hungary - Tiszaalpár

Ungarn - Tiszaalpár

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