in Tázlár:  

The village of 1,936 inhabitants is situated in the middle of Hungary and county Bács-Kiskun, in the heart of the Great Plain, in Homokhátság region. It has pleasant environment surrounded by various natural beauties such as saline lakes, forests with sandy hills.
The name of the village was first mentioned in records in 1424. The independent village of Tázlár was formed when Tázlár and the neighbouring Kisbócsa, Nagybócsa, Kötöny and Harka were united. The name was temporarily changed to Prónayfalva between 1907 and 1947. In 1906 Bócsa and in 1949 Harkakötöny was separated from the huge village of Tázlár. According to legends the famous highwayman, Imre Boglár often visited Tázlár with his band.
Its sights can be found in the village centre, at the beginning of Árpád road. The Roman Catholic chapel was established by the archbishopric of Kalocsa in October 1906, the large church next to it was built in the 1950s. In the churchyard you can see a monument of the victims of the world wars. The old church used by the Lutheran and the Evangelical congregations can be found in Templom lane, the building was restored in 1994 and a tower was added, too.
The zither band and Rozmaring women's choir of Tázlár are well-known. The two groups regularly appear at village programmes. The village day is organized every year with a June festival. The vintage ball is held in October.

Tázlár Község Önkormányzat Polgármesteri Hivatala
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Hungary - Tázlár

Ungarn - Tázlár

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