in Tárnok:  

Large village with 7,300 inhabitants, 25 kms from Budapest between Martonvásár and Érd on the road No. 70. Besides its natural values its archeological finds and rich folk traditions are also worth mentioning. Besides the remains of an ancient settlement and the urn graves from the late Bronze age the remains of a Roman settlement which was inhabited between the 1st and 4th century can also be found. It extended from the Tusculanum of Érd to Sóskút. The plank village from Árpád's age was built on the slope of the vineyard, it became unihabited during the Turkish rule. In the 18th century Maria Theresa settled Poles, Slovaks, and Hungarians here. The Catholic church was rebuilt in Baroque style on the remains of mediaeval walls. The statue of Saint John of Nepomuk stands in front of it.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Tárnok
Tárnok map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Tárnok

Ungarn - Tárnok

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