A village of 743 inhabitants. You can get to the village going towards Hatvan on M3 motorway and turning into road No. 21, then going east at Kisterenye. It was first mentioned in records in 1441 under the name Zoha. The settlement used to be situated north of the present place but during the Turkish occupation the inhabitants moved near the safe forests of the Mátra hills. By now it has become a real resort village. Sights include the Baroque Roman Catholic Virgin Mary Church rebuilt in 1768. The belfry was erected by the one-time judge of Szuha-huta, András Lajgut in 1868. The oak beam was renewed in 1907 and 1982 preserving its original size and shape. On the top of the belfry you can see a cone-shaped shingled roof ending in a wooden cross. The year of the renewal, 1907 was carved in the beam. Near the belfry you can find a folk wooden cross erected in 1869. The regional museum of Szuha was opened in September 2003. In the guest room and in the kitchen old Palots furniture is presented. In another room you can see weaving and spinning tools which you can even try to use. The Bükkfa-spring in the nature reservation area comes out from the roots of an old oak tree. The 14 ha forest area surrounding the village is a protected territory.

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Wednesday, 26. March 2025. - 14:59:08