in Szigethalom:   Sight

The town of 14,000 inhabitants is situated on Csepel island, between Tököl and Szigetszentmiklós. The village originally belonged to the border of Tököl, which was used by the farmers as a so-called ”protective pasture”. The village became independent in 1950. Several archaeological findings have been excavated in the territory of the village. Along the road leading to the bridge of Taksony and in the surroundings clay crockery was found in tombs from the Copper age. This part of the island was inhabited as early as the Bronze age, about 3,500 years ago. The state school built together with the teachers’ flat was opened in 1917. Its first headmaster was Mihály Erdődi. In the same year the graveyard was designated in a territory of 1,600 square fathoms. A monument was erected here in 1922 to commemorate the 9 soldiers from the village who died in World War II. The Calvinist church was built in 1931, the Roman Catholic church – in 1933. The Community centre houses the library which is run by the local council and which has in its possession more than 50,000 volumes. In 2004 it was given the name Dr Géza Hegedűs Town Library. On 1 July 2004 the large village was given the rank of town.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Szigethalom
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Hungary - Szigethalom

Ungarn - Szigethalom

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