Town with 18,000 inhabitants on the bank of the backwaters of the river Körös. During the Turkish rule it was a popular river crossing place. As early as 1732 market town rights were obtained and significant progress followed due to the Slovakian settlers. In the development of the town the activity of the Lutheran pastor, Sámuel Tessedik was of paramount importance. He introduced reforms in agriculture and town-planning. In the Tessedik Sámuel Museum there is a permanent exhibition of local history. The church planned by Tessedik can be found next to the museum. Sight of the church is the pneumatic organ with 2,500 pipes. Of the several tourists' attractions most visitors prefer the Arboretum, a nature conservation area of national importance. Some 1,600 species of trees and shrubs, of which 300 are evergreen, are presented and the plant collection offers specific sights in any season of the year. In addition to the arboretum, there are several public gardens in the town. The mansion in the Anna Grove is now the seat of the Directorate of the Maros National Park while in the Elisabeth Grove the one-time studio of the painter György Ruzicskay can be visited to see the exhibition rooms and the home museum installed by the painter himself. The Slovakian House of Regional Traditions is a typical example of peasant houses of the late 19th century, where the collection of needlework and woven textiles are especially remarkable. The horse-driven mill built in 1836 is a major item in the history of the industry. The neo-classical Bolza mansion, built on the banks of the backwater of the river Körös by general Péter Bolza in the years 1810 to 1820 is a remarkable monument with a park under protection. In the town you can find the Memorial Road leading to the little windmill symbolizing the middle of the historical Hungary, with wooden statues commemorating the important events of Hungarian history. The backwater with its 30 km long water surface is the fifth greatest still water in Hungary, ideal for local water tours, for families and groups of children, or for angling.
There is a wide range of cultural, tradition-preserving and sports events, which last from June to September: Amateur Coach driving Championship, Harvest day, National Coach driving Competition, International Shepherds' Meeting and Bagpipe Festival, National Pony Coach driving competition, Körös Days, The Day of the Town of Szarvas, Amateur Marathon Canoe Competition, Programmes on St. Stephen's Day, Fishing day and Fish soup cooking competition, Pony Coach driving Competition of Ezüstszőlő, Plums day, National Solo Dance Festival of Children Folk Dancers.

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Hungary - Szarvas

Ungarn - Szarvas

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