in Somogygeszti:   Hotel - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service

It was mentioned in records under the name Geste in 1302 and as Gezthe in 1353. In 1440 the landowner was the Örsi family here. The Roman Catholic church was built at the beginning of the 18th century. The mansion is from 1823. A statue in front of the church commemorates the heroes of the World Wars. It has an independent notary with 600 inhabitants. It has a school and a nursery school.

Lodgings in Somogygeszti:

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Somogygeszti
Somogygeszti map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Somogygeszti

Ungarn - Somogygeszti

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Wednesday, 26. March 2025. - 13:51:50