in Sóly:  

Village with 390 inhabitants 10 kms east of Veszprém (national highway No. 8). It was first mentioned in a document - which designates the boundaries of the bishopric of Veszprém - in 1009. Some historians think that Saint Stephen defeated the rebel Koppány at Sóly. The 13 m high wooden sword - which is a stylized copy of Saint Stephen's sword - erected on the Royal Sword Memorial Place and the historical festival which is organized every year in memory of the legend of the above mentioned battle evoke the thousand-year history of the settlement. The oldest village church of the country can be found here. The famous paper-mill, which was the property of the Cistercian abbey of Zirc and provided the abbey with paper, had operated here since the 18th century. Its ruins can still be seen. There are vineyards near the village.Elek Fényes writes: "Their wines are good, and when they are left for a while they could compete with the wines of Somló."

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Sóly
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Hungary - Sóly

Ungarn - Sóly

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