in Rezi:   Sight - Travel Service

A village of 1,100 inhabitants in the western part of the Keszthelyi hills, at the border of the Balaton Highland National Park. The fortress of Rezi was mentioned first in a charter in 1378. Dungeon wall sections are still visible. The village is famous for wine-growing, its wine-growing community had its independent seal already in 1725. The places of interest in the village are the Sikalikja-cave, the Roman Catholic church of Gothic origin, the Baroque Gyöngyösi inn and the Classicist Saint Donat chapel of the vineyard with Baroque statues. A special programme of the village is the traditional castle-tour on the first Saturday of May. On the second Sunday of July a sports day is held, on the third Saturday a street ball is given. An outstanding event is the Castle Camp held between 1st and 21st August. The Vintage Festival is organized with the assistance of the local Wine Route Association in the second and third week of September. The closing event is Saint Lucas' day in October.

Pictures of Rezi
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Hungary - Rezi

Ungarn - Rezi

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