in Penyige:   Hotel - Sight

A village of 803 inhabitants about 83 km east of Nyíregyháza in the Szatmári-plain. It was first mentioned in records in 1181. It was owned by the Balogh-Semjén, later by the Domahidy families. In the collection of local history a permanent exhibition presents the personal articles and ornaments of peasants'life and old documents, guidance is provided. In the Calvinist cemetery you can see the tomb of the 9 girls of Penyige mentioned in a ballad, the bell-tower and the funeral tower built to commemorate the Hungarian millennium. The Calvinist church was built in the place of the old one in 1893 in eclectic style. The regularly maintained water in Lake Szenke offers pleasant fishing for visitors. The village has a lot of opportunities for tourism based on old traditions: regaining the reputation of the plums of Penyige, building accommodation, reviving old folk traditions.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Penyige
Penyige map nagyítása >>


Hungary - Penyige

Ungarn - Penyige

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